Key Legislation

Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992 (Victoria)
The TCV Act establishes TCV and sets out the Corporation’s objectives, functions and powers.

Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987 (Victoria)
TCV’s power to borrow, invest and undertake financial arrangements are conferred under this Act.

Financial Management Act 1994 (Victoria) and Financial Reporting Directions
TCV is subject to the applicable provisions of this Act and the Financial Reporting Directions made under this Act.

Public Administration Act 2004 (Victoria)
TCV is a 'public entity' as defined in the Public Administration Act 2004. As a public entity, TCV is required to observe the public sector values and employment principles outlined in this Act and to comply with codes of conduct and certain whole-of-government policies made under this Act.

Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Victoria)
The TCV Act specifies that TCV cannot be declared to be an agency or prescribed authority within the meaning of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Equal Opportunity and Discrimination Legislation
TCV is subject to Commonwealth and State legislation prohibiting unlawful discrimination and harassment, including the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Victoria).

Occupational Health and Safety and Accident Compensation Legislation
TCV is subject to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Victoria) and legislation relating to accident compensation and rehabilitation.

Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Victoria); Health Records Act 2001 (Victoria)
TCV is subject to both of these Acts. The Privacy and Data Protection Act aims to protect the collection and handling of personal information in the Victorian public sector. It provides for the establishment of a protective data security regime for the Victorian public sector. The Health Records Act aims to protect personal information contained in health records. Please visit the Privacy Policy page on this website for more information.

Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Victoria)
TCV is also subject to the Public Interest Disclosures Act. Please visit the Public Interest Disclosures Act page on this website for more information.

You can find further information about Victorian legislation at Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents