Supplier Engagement Plan

The purpose of this page is to publish TCV’s plan for enhancing relationships with suppliers and improving procurement outcomes. This plan documents the processes, systems and communication approaches to ensure the highest levels of trust and accountability in all dealings with suppliers.

How will the market be informed of actual supply opportunities?
Tenders for the procurement of goods or services will be uploaded to the Buying for Victoria website.

What generic information services will be made available?
TCV does not maintain supplier lists to allow suppliers to register in advance for opportunities of interest.

Suppliers however can make enquires via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Where to go for other business support advice?
Suppliers can visit the Buying for Victoria website.

How the relationship will be managed during the procurement process?
All questions relating to a request for quote (RFQ) or tender for goods or services should be directed to the email address specified in the RFQ.

Once the preferred supplier is chosen, a named employee will manage the relationship to support delivery of the goods or services consistent with the terms contracted.

How will the market be informed about management of complaints and debriefs?
TCV’s Complaint Management Policy is available on this website.

Debrief opportunities are available to all suppliers responding to a request for quote/tender.