Credit Ratings
Based on their assessment of the credit quality of the State of Victoria and that TCV’s debt issues are guaranteed by the State. The rating agencies provide ratings for our debt issues that reflect the State’s credit quality.
The current ratings of TCV debt are provided in the table below.
Agency | Long-Term Rating Domestic | Long-Term Rating Foreign Currency | Short-Term Rating |
Standard & Poor's Corporation | AA (Outlook Stable) | AA (Outlook Stable) | A-1+ |
Moody's Investors Service | Aa2 (Outlook Stable) | Aa2 (Outlook Stable) | P-1 |
Credit Ratings Disclaimer
Reference to credit ratings has been provided solely for the benefit of 'wholesale clients' and must not be directly or indirectly disclosed to 'retail clients' within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
For more information on what our credit ratings mean, please visit the following websites: